Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups help members connect on a more personal level and tend to be rewarding and fulfilling. Form a group comprised of members sharing a common interest (Book Club, Mommy ‘n Me, Sister Mixers) with the intention of having this group create a bond with one another as well as the alumnae group. Interest Groups should have a chairman to be a liaison between the SIG and the alumnae chapter or association.


*Social Sisters*

Join us for happy hour drinks and appetizers as the "social sisters" get together for a fun night out! Group meets the 3rd or 4th week of each month. You choose how much money you want to spend on beverages or enjoy a free evening of just talking to sisters. Contact: Kristy Stephenson, justoffmanchester@gmail.com .


*Hungry Hannahs*

Who are the Hungry Hannah's?  It's you and me getting together for lunch once a month.  We meet the last Friday of each month at different locations.  How many show up?  Well, we usually have 10 to 15 and would love to have more.  Am I too young or old?? NEVER! Just come as you are. We want to visit with you.  You can even eat and run.....We don't mind. Hope to see a bunch at the monthly Hungry Hannah's lunch. Contact: Anne Mount, anne.mount613@gmail.com.